Monday, March 22, 2010

Mother Nature & Father Time

Cast wax, caste dirt, grass and spray paint.
Rob Sheldon

1 comment:

  1. It's comedic. It draws the audience to the piece because of their innate interest of the human reproductive organs. We can assume the blueish gray hand belongs to Mother Nature and the male organs belong to Father Time. Though the color of each object doesn't seem like they fit their names. I envisioned Mother Nature o be made of grass or dirt. Maybe I didn't notice the strange color of the male organs because I aware of the chosen raw materials he used to make it. I think I immediately appreciated the materials it was made from that didn't noitce the color. The hand doesn't seem like it is coming out from the ground, rather it was plopped and covered partially in dirt.

    Great idea to use grass instead of pot soil, it give it a more natural sense of Mother NAture existing in the piece. (If you used plain dirt, I would've though agriculture).

    The documentation is quite blanched.Move your piece to a well lit location so the flash isn't needed. Use photoshop to get other distracting sources of light out of the pic (second picture has a yellow light in the back)

    Overall comedic piece, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing with the others as we critiqued. We need humorous pieces to contrast our serious ones.
