Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kate Westfall- Silhouetted

10" x 28" x 18"
Styrofoam, found metal object, light

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy the use of cylinders and the contrast between the hard metal object and the wispy Styrofoam pieces. I'm not quite sure where the self portrait in this. The title alludes to idea that the shadow creates her silhouette. I can see an outline of possibly the straight on view of the outline of her hair, neck and shoulder. The contrast between the Styrofoam and metal does create and interesting conversation but I feel like they do not work well together. It causes the piece to feel disjointed and almost rushed. It is very simplistic and I don’t understand why it needs be. I feel like it could use something more to maybe relate to Kate more. I enjoy the piece but I wish it was more of self portrait.
