Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Rocky Candy Dental Intervne

1 comment:

  1. After realizing this piece is made of candy and toothpaste, no one can deny the overall message. It's the ongoing battle of teeth vs. sweets, in which there is never a winner. Both cavity protector and cavity creator seem to be simultaneously loosing this battle. The caste toothpaste in the form of a toothpaste tube looks empty. The contents of the tube almost seem as if it was introduced to the soda bottles and causing their demise.
    This piece has an interesting relationship to the pedestal. The soda bottles are hanging slightly over the right edge and the tube is drastically flowing down the left edge from almost the top of the bottle. This gives the piece wonderful movement from top to bottom.
    The choice of background for documentation helps further with showing this great movement. In the third picture, there is a yellow line that arches from the top of the bottle down to the tube giving an interesting halo to the already existing movement. Overall, I feel the two contrasting materials gives this piece unity, and a good sense of a whole.
